(Above, the stairs)
Well, this then balooned into me repainting/staining the whole front of the deck (The deck itself is carpet, but the front of the deck is wood)
It wasn't the best idea for me to do this after spending a few hours doing the chairs. I got frustrated, my hair fell into the bucket of paint, got it all over myself, I was dripping with sweat (it's hot in Toronto) and I ended up getting gumpy, stormed inside, claimed I hated what I had done and vowed never to lift a paint brush again. Aubrey ended up taking the paint brush from me and finished the deck to salvage the deck, my sanity, and what was left of a perfectly pleasant afternoon. (Hey, we're all allowed freakouts) I now like it. ;)
Below is the before - the deck is a neutral tone but with a definite pink undertone to it. (And for the record, I really dislike pink undertones in paint)
And below, is after.
A nice improvement. However, the improvements made our super-ugly yellow windows stand out that muh more and therefore inspired talk of the front of our house improvements. Here are some of the things we'd love to improve upon when it comes to the front of our house. Now, keep in mind, we're not necessarily doing the improvements, but it's always fun to design.
The list is not out of this world, but each improvement costs money so it will all have to be done in stages, if we do any at all. It's hard to know where to put the funds - (ok, what funds? Let's be honest - we just had a baby) Really, I'd love, love to do our windows.
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