2010 was a year where we tackled more decorating projects than renovations. The year started off with a series of decorating blunders, but as the year went on, the mistakes started to happen less and less. Perhaps I was clouded by morning sickness and that was the reason for the mistakes, or perhaps I needed to do them in order to figure out my personal style. For example, I was seriously considering this floral print for Oscar's room. (5) Although I love the print, I don't know what made me think it would work for a boys room. We finished the kitchen bench cushion (2) , only to recover it a few months later (8) when I confessed I hated my original choice. In February - we made stripe cushions for the nursery (1) which also turned out to be a mistake in fabric. You will notice that they quietly got recovered in new lighter blue and green fabrics just a few short months ago. (10)
But there were a lot of successes this past year. We are almost done our basement bathroom (7). We designed and completed some privacy screens for our backyard (3). We added some Bear Chairs (9) to our front porch that make the front porch welcoming, and added some flowy white drapes so we could sit on the porch and not stare at the garbage bins. I finished Oscars room with a DIY headboard that makes the room feel warm and cozy, and a perfect spot for reading books(10). I found a great used dresser and cleaned it up to make the perfect little change table. And, last but not least, we finally got our bookshelves made (6), something we had wanted to do since day 1 of living in our house.
Personally, 2010 was quite the year. On May 29th at 2:07 A.M I gave birth to a health baby boy, Oscar, weighing 8lb 11 oz after only 4 hours of labour (4). It was a whirlwind, and I cannot express the pure joy that I experienced meeting him for the first time. My Dad (11) was diagnosed with Eye Cancer quite suddenly while I was pregnant but survived it - just minus one eye. (Dad, ever the joker, asked his Optometrist if he will now get a deal on his eye exams, and my Mom told him that he can now "turn a blind eye" to things.). (I hug my Parents a lot more these days) And, as the year came to an end, Aubrey was promoted at work .
I am entering 2011 grateful for life, family, and friendship. Thank you for always reading, commenting, and sending e-mails. Because of this blog I feel like we have friends across the world.
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