The candle body is very much wax, but guess what. They are 100% fake...
I fell for these when I saw them on display at Pottery Barn, when they had merchandised them in hanging lanterns. The soft glow was enough to make me inspect it further. I thought it looked so realistic. And I love candles, but I'm forever fearful of fire especially now with Oscar. Having a party, knocking one over...Perhaps a little bit of obsessive compulsiveness runs through my blood, so that itching worry is enough to make me go bananas.
Although I have them on our kitchen table (right now) I will say this: For the best look, have them on a somewhere where you aren't staring at the lack of flame, because it's painfully obvious they aren't real when you see that no fire is coming out of it. But if you have them up high or in a lantern, then it is perfect. Because I think you have to see it to believe it...
Granted, these candles aren't inexpensive (it came to over $50 for the three) I had a gift card from Aubrey's awesome Aunt that made this splurge possible. (Don't you love when you can get things that you normally wouldn't be able to because of a gift card?)
Ps., oh yeah, you can also put them on a timer which I have yet to figure out. But that just makes me crack up. You could really throw someone if you tried...*wave hand over to the candles and they magically light up*
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