Last night was the Etsy evening at West Elm that my shop was invited to participate in and by the nights end I was bursting at the seams with how awesome it was. First of all, West Elm was so kind and welcoming. Every single staff memeber was fantastic, which made me feel right at home.
But the reason why my night was amazing wasn't because of the sales I did or the exposure for my company through an event like this (although, that was nice) I truthfully had the most amazing night because of who I met. I was absolutely amazed at how many of you read my blog and came to say hello. It made my night to meet people who like my silly ramblings that I do and, the fact that you came to lend support.
My little brother, Peter, came to lend me a hand last night (and do a Starbucks run for me), some of my favourite bloggers came by to say hello, and some amazing women from my neighbourhood came by as well. And when the evening was done I dined at Mildred's Temple with friends (Their burger is the BEST). My cheeks are still hurting from smiling so much. I felt surrounded by amazing people, so if you and I talked - I really loved meeting you. You made my night.
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