the little moments....

Last week was a little rough. We're going through a stage where our child is testing his boundaries and our patience. Following through with discipline is hard when you're being forced to do it often, and by Friday afternoon I was rattled. Even though I know it's a stage, and that it is all normal in the development of a child - it still just wears you (or at least me) down to the point of tears somedays.

My final attempt to make Friday end on a positive note was to try baking. It was met with a somewhat positive response - even though getting to the store, and getting through the store proved to be hard. We drove to Target (I seriously love that store, and that they have a Starbucks), got a cookie mix bag (I had no mental capabilities to do anything from scratch) and we decided that it was Oscar's bunny, Mr. BunBun, birthday. It proved to be cute distraction from the roller coaster ride of a day .... and we were all prepared to start baking (photo number one) only for me to open the fridge and find NO eggs.

Upon discovering that we had no eggs (which is totally weird because we always have eggs) I texted Aubrey in all caps "HOW CAN WE HAVE NO EGGS!?" He knew it had been a rough day for me and the fact that it was likely my tipping point and his text back was "I'm on my way. With eggs." (It was the end of the day, so it was perfectly timed with him coming home) By the way - I debated texting neighbours asking for eggs but I was a little worried that at that point in the day I may have burst into tears if I saw anyone. Aubrey came home, with eggs, sent me to our room so I could nap. When I woke - the cookies had been baked, Oscar was happy, and I felt better after having some sleep.

That night we sang Mr. BunBun "Happy Birthday" and ate cookies in front of the TV. I'm not sure why I decided to tell this entire story, but it was one of those weeks that was so hard for me as a Mom - following through with discipline, and yet it was also filled with such sweet memories like an impromptu birthday party for a stuffed bunny, seeing the excitement in Oscar for the little festivities, and a husband that knows when to send me to bed to have a nap.

Ps., Those are new measuring cups I bought on Etsy. Here are some others - they are pretty awesome for baking with little ones! (Affiliate link)


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