A little weekend day dreaming

I found via a blog (and for the life of me cannot remember which) the adorable clothing line of Nanos. One of the photos from their online catalog made me ache to go travel to Paris, or London.

Photo from Nanos
When I was 15, I went on an Art trip through Europe, and I fell hard for Paris, it was there that I met my first boyfriend on the Eiffel Tower. (Tres romantique) My parents lived in Oxford, England while my Father attended Oxford, and for my Mom's 50th he brought us all back to see why they loved London so much. I understood why - it was breathtaking. I even contemplated moving there after University but a job, and a great relationship awaited me back in Toronto. I still daydream about moving to London.
And, should I go back,  if I would dress little Oscar in Nanos clothing. :)


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