Sponsored Pot: Home Depot Match The Look

I was delighted when the Home Depot asked if I wanted to take part in a fun project. Myself, along with 5 other Design bloggers have been asked to pick an item from their new dreambook and the game is that you have to guess which item I personally picked. If you correctly guess, you could win $200 to spend at Home Depot. :) Before we get into that, [record scratching to a halt] when I got a preview the Dreambook awhile ago I kind of fell off my chair because of this photo...

The subway tile wall. This is *exactly* what we're doing in one of the parts of our kitchen.  When I was flipping through their online catalog it dawned on me that the Home Depot Dream Book is the adult equivalent to what the Sears Christmas catalog was in our house as children. You flip through it, dog ear pages, dream a little. This edition of their dreambook is actually pretty awesome -packed with inspirational shots. [I do recommend you flip through it, it's very well done] Anyhow, enough about my kitchen reno and taking inspiration from the book...back to the Home Depot contest.

Here is how it works. There is a page in the Home Depot Dreambook that was chosen as my page. And on that page there is a product on it that I have picked as my style. So you visit the dreambook page and guess which item is my "pick". At the end of the week, one of the contestants who correctly guesses my item will win a $200 gift card to Home Depot.

1. Click here to visit the Home Depot facebook connect page
2. Click on the product you think is mine

Contest open to Canadian Residents. Comments closed to avoid confusion [comments here wouldn't act as entries]

This post has been sponsored by Home Depot - I have been compensated for my participation in the contest. Words and opinions are my own.


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