snapping photos underwater

Aubrey bought me an underwater digital camera for my birthday and I had an opportunity to snap some photos of Oscar swimming at my Mom's yesterday. We ended up going for the FujiFilm FinePix XP60 Waterproof Camera after reading positive reviews online, the price (it happened to be on sale at the time we bought it) and that my brother & (soon to be) sister in law also have the same model and were happy with it.  Some of the shots above crack me up of Oscar. I'm not sure adults will love you snapping photos of their lower half (I'd be mortified if someone did that to me) but snapping babies is pretty fun. :) The one awkward thing about underwater photography (next to having someone snap photos of your lower half) is that as the photographer you float. So it's hard to snap the perfect shot. I took 345 pictures and maybe 10 are worth keeping and maybe 2 are worth blowing up into art for the house. I had taken scuba diving lessons as a teen to get certified and used to have a weight belt that would have come in handy to try to keep myself underwater for longer than I was able to without - but that's getting a bit "serious" about getting the shot so not really necessary for all. ;) Anyhow, just some cute baby legs swimming. :)

Ps., I got Oscar this new "Puddle Jumper" from Canadian Tire after a friend of my Mom's recommended it. It is ah-ma-zing. It allows him to swim and get comfortable without me having to hold onto him as I have been. He LOVES it. 


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