Thrift Shopping Round Two

I've been a little obsessed with checking out the thrift shops lately - if you follow me on Instagram you may have caught on to this obsession. It's crazy what you can find! Some days are a hit, and some days a miss but for the last few weeks I've always come home with something fun.

Above is a set of three marble candlestick holders. They were five dollars for the set if I recall correctly. I found those when i was on that coffee date with Debra last week. Love them. And I kind of love Debra for not fighting me for them. (Thank you Debra) You can see that I had them lit in my living room last night in this Instagram shot. 

I'm still obsessed with vintage blankets and have scored a few more. After a number of washes and hanging them to dry they are going to be wonderful additions to the home and to our cottage. Above is a pretty masculine one that I found yesterday, and below are some reds that I found last week...

Check out the tag - A piece of Canadian History.

Most of the blankets sit in a basket in our TV room for chilly nights when we curl up on the couch. Oscar loves pulling them out to sit with when watching TV.

I almost passed the jug below but on a second look the green and the straight lines won me over. The one thing I love about our all white kitchen is that I can bring crazy colours like this into the room and it totally fits in. But I can also take it out when the colour starts to get on my nerves.

Anyhow, those are some recent finds. Do check out your local vintage shops and go in without any reason whatsoever. You'll be surprised at what you find. :)


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