Basement Bathroom, Chapter 2 - Tile Shopping

When we renovated the basement we made the bathroom plumed for a shower, sink, and toilet. We weren't too sure, however, whether we were going to actually complete the bathroom this summer (finances/patience all pending). To get an idea on pricing, I decided to source the tiles, and see what damage we'd do with the bathroom. We sourced out Lowes, Rona, and Home Depot, the three usual suspects for home improvement items. Lowes had a beautiful marble subway tile, but it was going to be WAY to expensive, so that was out of the question.

On the drive home from my Parents house I sometimes take a back route through an industrial road/area and always have driven by a tile store. A few days ago Aubrey and I decided to pop in and I'm so glad that we did! The prices and the selection were amazing. The subway tiles that I had priced out from Lowes + Home Depot were almost 1/2 off the cost at this store.

So here is the snapshot of what we're thinking of going with...


The floor outside of the shower is going to be large Marble Tiles. (SOOO dreamy)

We're trying to keep costs low, so for the large area which is the shower, we're going with White Subway tiles. We're going to do the popular trick of adding a band of interesting tile at eye level to add some visual interest. This band that we chose is a mixture of matching marble from the floor with clear glass tile.

The floor in the shower (not shown in picture) will be a hexagon marble tile. We MAY do the tiling ourselves but we're not too sure.

On a seperate note. I painted the basement in Oxford white. I wish I could write a blog post about how much I love the colour, and how wonderfully it turned out but I unfortunately can't do such a post. To sum up the event - I hated the colour, but only decided this after I had painstakingly painted the WHOLE basement. (Insert me sitting on the steps in the basement sniffling in self pitty)

I went over to my friend across the street who is also painting her house. She had purchased Benjamin Moores "Simply White". I asked to borrow a sample of that colour and embarassingly recaped the days event - *sigh*. I'm going to see if the colour is any closer to what I was hoping.

I ended the evening with a trip to Lowes to get a new toilet for the house, and when I got home at 10:30pm there was this bouquet on my front steps...


My friend across the street (who knew about the paint feasco) picked a bushel of lavender from her garden and left it on my front step. That was the nicest way to end an evening. And now, the lavender sits beside my bed, and I'll have a peacefull sleep (even though i'm covered in pain speckles)


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