Basement Bathroom, Chapter 4 - Laying Tile

I found my camera cord! That means I can show you some pictures that have accumulated over the holiday season. ;)

The basement bathroom that is just off my studio is getting tiled! We're one more step closer to getting the basement completely checked off our list. Here is our blog post of the tiles we've picked. :) But below is a picture just to give you a reminder as to the pallet of tiles. :)


We looked into hiring someone to come and tile for us but the cost was pretty prohibitive for us, and with the encouragement from our handy neighbours who recently tiled and from the encouragement of my Dad, who has tiled before, we decided to save the cost of hiring out and to do it ourselves. Everyone just said that it's a slow job, but it's something you can definitely do on your own with patience.

We decided to do the floors first, as logically we assumed that you want to have the walls go over the floor tiles so no water seeps below.

bathroom 01
Step 1 - Figure out the puzzle
Aubrey + Dad figured out the marble hexagon tile puzzle first, using a wet saw on our front porch to cut the marble . I felt badly as it was the coldest day yet of the season and there they were working with water...outside. We bought the wet saw off our friends who are moving out of the country. It was more economical then renting one (or buying one new!)

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Step 2: Move the puzzle
Once the marble was all cut to size and the floor had a "Layout", the pieces of tile were carefully moved from the shower floor. They moved it in the same layout so that you knew which piece went where. Aubrey then mixed the mortar.

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Step 3: Lay the mortar
After letting the mortar sit for 10 minutes as instructed on the bag, Dad lay the mortar making sure it was going to create a slope to the drain.

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Ta-da! We need to grout it next. :)

Aubrey is going to do the floor of the bathroom next, and next weekend Dad is coming back over to help us instal the subway tiles on the shower walls. Such a fun transformation for me to watch. :)


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