Little Antique Shop

I just got in from a weekend trip to the cottage and on the drive home we stopped in at my favourite little shop, a little Antique barn in Argyle, Ontario. I don't buy a lot at the shop, it's just a tradition to pull over and see what treasures they have. The best thing about shops like this out of the city is that the prices are usually awesome because the stores aren't paying the high price of rent in downtown Toronto.

Last summer, at the bakery across the street from the antique barn, I stood behind Suzanne Dimma, who cottages around there as well. I felt like such a nerd, I wanted to say hello, but in the end I chose not to as I concluded that she was in weekend mode, on the way to the cottage, and I wanted to respect her privacy. So who knows, maybe some of the treasures you see in House & Home Magazine are from this antique shop.

Here are some shots from today.

Argyle 2

Argyle 5
$15 - love it. I should have bought it, I love it when little kid rooms have globes.

Argyle 4
I always wanted a real cash register as a kid.

Argyle 3
Love sparkly things.

Argyle 1
I lopve furniture like this, I think you could really make it look modern and trendy with the right reupholstery or toss cushions. The set was somewhat expensive (more pieces than what was shown)

Argyle Antiques
Corner of Glenarm & Hwy 46
705-439-1021 (Open weekends only, or by chance as they business card says)


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