Our House Right Now

1 & 2 - My friend Erin (who is crazy awesome at crafts )made me these awesome ornaments for Christmas. She found the tutorial here. She made an L, and A, and an O. Don't you love handmade gifts!?

3. Family gifts this year were wrapped in plain white paper, and accented with this blue & green ribbon from Creative Bag Co. Oscar bought family members gifts, and on each of the parcels from him, he has tied an ornament from Crate & Barrel (here)- and slipped in a photo of himself.

(4.) Our Tree is up, and being enjoyed in our Living Room. It takes a photograph to realize I totally missed the bottom half of the tree with lights & decorations. Oops. As you can see, I moved in a small carpet to the room so Oscar could enjoy the tree. We're looing for a carpet for this room ... the hunt is on. We'll need a 9.5 ft x 9.5" size so custom is obviously the word of the day. Oh...and I seriously love our Bookshelves in the room. Best investment ever.


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