Winter Planters

They are done. :)

I have always wanted birch branches for the front pots but could never find them in Toronto. A week ago as I walked by our mini mart/video store at the corner of our street, I stopped in my tracks when I saw he had a bundle of them for $2.50 each. I loaded up 6 into the stroller and Oscar and I went home to stick them into the pots.  I wanted to add ornamental cabbages like I saw in front of stores on Yonge Street, but Aubrey wasn't digging them and truthfully, I like the simplicity in the end of the front.

I love how the Birch logs that add height and contrast against the dark brick and dark black door and I love our red Wreath that has hung on our door every Winter since we moved in. Mom suggested adding some red branches to pull in the red from the wreath, and I may if I see some as I walk to get my Starbucks with Oscar. But for now, they are done. :)


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