Living Room Area Rug

So here is our living room carpet thought process up to date. We are looking for an area rug but have the following things to consider.

Consideration #1 - Who lives here....a baby
We have a baby that is learning to crawl --- carpet has to be somewhat soft (no sisal) Next, we have a baby that is going to spit up, eat food, and spill things. Although I won't let him eat purple Popsicles in here, I also don't want to rope off this room from him. So we have to take into consideration baby messes, which means a carpet with some pattern would be ideal. We tested the front hall carpet from Dash & Albert in here and it was perfect, but it sadly comes not large enough for this room. (Shaking fist at whoever decided to make it 8.5 feet and not 9 over at that company. You ruined everything. Boooo)

 Consideration #2 - Floor Plan

 Here is a floor plan showing you what I'm working with. What we are looking for is an area rug that is ideally between 9.5-10 feet in width, and in length, ideally would be 9 feet long as it would bring the area rug right beneath the couch. Problem is, rugs don't come in those sizes.

So here are my possible options:
(1) Get a rug cut & bound to size of exactly 9x10
(2) Get a pre made rug that is between 9/10feet in width and the lengh can be up to 12 feet. It would just go further behind the couch. We could address this possibly by bringing it to a rug company to cut, and bind. Or, we live with the extra lengh under the couch for a bit.

There you have it. I'm leaning towards Option #2 because Option #1 isn't proving to be as economical as I thought. And I freak out with custom things as I like to see how something will look in a room, before deciding. And after going to Elte and seeing some GORGEOUS rugs my heart is aching for one of them. (See this post and the first photo - aren't they divine?) Seriously, I wish someone in my family was a decorator and would just come in and do this all. It gets kind of stressful sometimes as you don't want to make a (costly) mistake.


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