The many uses of Green Tape

Project "Beautiful the Dining Room" is making some progress!
We decided to tape out our plans for the trim. We considered may variations. First we thought we'd do many boxes, but considering the size of the room, it was going to possibly look too busy. Then we considered the opposite extreme and though we'd do 1 long rectangular box beneath the chair rail. But Dad thought that it may then look like we essentially had NO trim. We we compromised and went with 2 long rectangular boxes on either wall.  So this is what we're looking at doing. 

I won't lie, the green tape is throwing me off so it's a little hard to invision but I am pretty happy with it.

And since I know some find it funny Aubrey's "Price is Right poses" he did this one for you...

For the record, we were cracking up over here. Why? Because he's actually pretending to be, for my amusement because of a school girl crush,  none other than Scott McGillivray from HGTV's Income Property. You know when he stands in a room and all of the sudden the plans for the new room pop up behind him? Now look at Aubrey again. Now picture Scott. Cracks me up. 
Gotta love a man that will do that for you. ;)


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