Dining Room Thought Process, Do you need to know about art?

All this talk about art for the Living Room got me thinking that perhaps that we would have to figure out Art for in the Dining Room before we put a chair rail in. I worried as if this were the case, the project would be stalled indefinitely as we saved up for art (or rushed to figure out art.) I got Aubrey to  hold up a picture frame so I could study it.

Thankfully, I think we're safe to continue on with the trim even if we don't know if art will go or how big it will be.  (See my lines I've drawn in above) So even though it was a panic attack on my end, I thought I'd post about the thought process of the whole room.
And by the way...Carol Reed, the Designer behind the room inspiration popped by the blog and gave some awesome feedback on the height of the chair rail. See the comment section of the post!

PS., That isn't the art/frame that we would put up, I just gave Aubrey a frame that was lying around from the Living Room test shots. ;)


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