I'm 30, and I love these with all my heart

I've been searching online for nursery inspiration - and have found many inspiring pictures. But I'm at the point where I kind of want someone to just come into the house, decorate it, and say..."Ta-da!!!".

I never used to get it when a homeowner would hand over complete control of a room design to a designer, but this nursery is stressing-me-out and I now sympathize with those people I used to think were nuts. *sigh*

However, one thing I DO know that I want in this room is a set of Blah Blah Dolls.

blah blah

I would have bought them pre pregancy, because, I'll be honest. They are for me. (slightly kidding on that) They are also on the pricey side, but I think that they are well worth it. I've wanted them for YEARS and now I'm pretty pumped that this baby bump has given me a good excuse to satisfy my shopping addiction for these. ;) Anyone know where I can find these in Toronto?


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