Artwork for Nursery

You're likely quite familiar with Sarah Jane's work, but if not, let me introduce you. Her work is amazing, and reminds me of childhood storybooks I used to read. About 3 years ago I bought some prints from her, and they have been carefully tucked away in need of frames. Now that we're expecting Baby, her work is calling to me once again.

Sarah Jane

I'm tempted to make my own art for the nursery, but, when I saw the print above of the boy walking the Lion, titled "Take me for a walk" I was in love and thought it would be perfect for above the crib in that Ikea Ribba frame that is still empty.


Problem is, the print is too small. Wayyyyy too small. Actually, I should re-word that. The print is a nice size. Problem is, I'm working with a HUGE frame. *sigh* Some more new nursery shots coming up in the next few days. Little baby improvements!


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