The first stages of a Privacy Screen - Shopping!

Although the construction of the privacy screens may be a bit further down the road, we had an afternoon free and we popped over to Home Depot to get the supplies for the screens so they were at least on hand. I'm at a stage in the pregnancy where I'm not useful at all, so I sat myself down in the Home Depot Outdoor furniture section and played on my Blackberry while Aubrey shopped around. I wasn't moving. It allowed Aubrey to take his time, getting the supplies, and I was quite comfy in their furniture. (Good test - if a pregnant lady likes the furniture, it most certainly is comfortable)

In total, we're looking at about $250 for three privacy screens to be built factoring in the Home Depot Van rental, and the rental of a post digger for a day.


It's really not that hard to construct (says the woman who sits in the lounger, drinking Pellegrino from the bottle with a straw as she watches Aubrey) Here's basically what you need to do your own. Will power + energy not included in the post below.


(1) Post Toppers x 2
(2) 4x4 Fence Posts x 2
(3) Thin wood strips (nailing Strips) x 8 to "sandwich" the lattice (4 on one side, 4 on the other)
(4) Lattice (We went with square lattice)
(5) Post mix - we bought Rapid Post from Home Depot
(6) 2x4 wood for the top and bottom. (Not shown - because I forgot, and Aubrey just reminded me)

We actually bought everything sooner vs later because I needed to "visualize" where each screen was going to go, and resting the lattice up against the chain link fence was going to be the only way that I could picture it. I'm an artist, I need to visu-a-lize these things. (Drives Aubrey bananas)

But we needed to rent a van to get the lattice home, and so it just made sense to buy everything all at once.

Ok, this preggo chick is going back to drinking Pellegrino out of the bottle with a straw. I'm classy like that.


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