Kitchen Bench Fabric chosen....

After much deliberation, I chose the fabric for our kitchen bench. It was quite comedic really. I had dozens of samples of neutral linen tones all on the table. I was scared of making the wrong decision. The fact that they were all VERY similar in tone made it a bit ridiculous that I had so much trouble, but I really did not want a repeat of my first blunder. In the end, I finally just went with my gut.

Armed with multiple samples from, I went with an unlikely selection from my initial picking, going with a fabric style called Dune, by Sunbrella. Online, it looked very dark, but once in our house, I really loved the look.


We figured we needed 6 yards to do the bench but I ordered 8, just to be safe. And today, my huge bolt of fabric arrived via UPS. Along with a lovely $62.00 import charge. Aubrey was not too pleased when the delivery man asked for his credit card, as this brought the fabric yard cost (when you add it all together, including shipping) to be around the $30 mark. Oops. That was not the plan at all. I was really trying to stay well, well below that. The saving grace is, is that the fabric looks amazing. When I laid out the fabric on the bench, I was really happy that Aubreys first words were...."It looks perfect." (Sigh of relief)

(Ok, time to change the tulips on the table!)

Above is how it looks on the bench. I know, it looks kind of plain, but it's perfect to me. :) My next step is to add some pretty colourful cushions, which I *may* leave off my to-do list until after baby.

Now that we have the fabric, it's time to actually make the cushion.

Mom offered as you know, to "remake" the cushion for me, but she's not too fond of dealing with zippers, especially when it's an 8 foot long cushion. So I'm bringing the bench cushion, and fabric, to MacFab here in Toronto, as their quote for sewing, with piping and a zipper, is $125 which I felt was very reasonable. It's worth it in my mind to have the luxury of taking off the cover, to be able to pop it into the wash (which I'm able to do with Sunbrella!)

So, the long wait on the fabric is over! :)


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