Installing laminate

This is what Aubrey has been doing today...

First, he lay out some planks so we could see what kind of pattern we would go with...

floor 1

The next step was to put a 1 inch spacer along the edge...


Cutting planks .. (see below for why I taped newspaper to the window)
floor 3


floor 4

Poor guy. The sweat beads are dripping off his forehead. I'm so proud of him for doing all of this! I've been locked upstairs getting work done, as I'm taking 2 weeks off from work after this week so I can (a) have some time off with Aub and (b) so I can move my studio into the new area! Yippee!

Sooo...why did I tape newpaper to the window? When I was painting the other night, I realized that anyone who walked by would be getting a wonderful view of my sweaty self, and maybe some bum crack shots as I was bent over alot doing trim. I quickly covered the window. :)


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