Moving the office

I updated the blog header. I got tiered of the black banner that was up there before. I must note, for the record, that Aubrey thinks the new header is too girly. I don't disagree, but I need a little bit of pretty up there for awhile. I'll change it to something manly next month.

There won't be any updates for a few days because (a) my camera battery died and I packed up that charger somewhere...and (b) I'm disconnecting the computer to move it into the new office! :)

Hello to all of my family at the cottage who have been reading the updates from us in the city. :) We miss it up there. :( I'll sign off with a picture I took from us stargazing at the cottage. It's a long exposure, so those are indeed stars in the sky. Ahhh. Bliss.


xo - Lindsay


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