White Oil Paint Yellows.

For my family members that have heard me griping about this for the past few months, here is a picture to prove that I'm not going nuts.

spare room yellowing of trim

You know what they don't tell you when you buy white oil paint? White Oil paint yellows. REALLY. Look at this picture above. The white in the forefront is a new coat of primer on the trim. In the background you will see that the trim is yellow. That, my dear readers, USED to be a high gloss beautiful white. And now, it is that wonderfully weird shade of yellow.

Ughhh. I'm avoiding white oil paint for the rest of my life. I was so irritated when I started noticing that our beautiful trim yellowed slightly. So sad!

Apparently oil paint (white) starts to yellow after about a year. And I think I've noticed it in my house because my walls are also white - so the difference between the two shades is sad. :( I'm now boycotting white oil paint. Why spend the time doing a great job on trim to only have it turn yucky. I'm just sayin'...They should probably tell you this when you're buying lots + lots of super white oil paint.


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