Spare Bedroom, Painting the floor White

We're still moving me down into the office. Pictures will be posted soon. We're right now doing a custom desk project that I'm super excited about.

In the meantime, here is the other project we're working on...

Our Spare Bedroom. As visitors to our house will know, this room was the office since February 2008 - the goal ultimately (and was achieved) was to reno the basement to be a full studio for me (Lindsay) and we'd turn this room back into a sleeping quarters. There are a few unanswered design problems that we have with this room. One of those being the floor. (And yes, that ugly light fixture which we haven't taken down)

spare bedroom

This is a picture from last year, when we moved in and we did a simple paint job. Nothing was touched, it was a quick pick-me-up for the room. The floors are untouched, the original wood floors from the house, and they are sad. :(

Issues # 1 is the floor. We could carpet the floor or the other option is to paint the floor. I've seen some gorgeous pictures of painted wood floors and I'm thinking I may be adventourous enough for this room. Here are some inspirational pictures...

white floors

I'm thinking of a white floor, with light gray stripes.

My thought process is this - we're never going to "refinish/stain" these floors, as they are on their last legs for sanding. So if I paint the floors, I'm not eliminating an option. The carpeting STILL can be done if I end up hating the painted floor look...or as I've said...when we want to invest that $ into a carpet, we can do that down the road.

Fingers crossed it works.

UPDATE: Click here for an update on the floor painting project


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